Strengthening Our Unmanned Capabilities
Building for the Future of War

The assignment and operation of a Gray Eagle Company will enhance the 4th Combat Aviation Brigade’s training at Fort Carson by integrating a key reconnaissance and support asset of the modern battle space. The Gray Eagle Company will most likely consist of over 100 soldiers and 12 MQ-1C Gray Eagles, a medium-sized aircraft powered by a diesel turbocharged piston engine. It has a wingspan of 56.3′ and a length of 29′, with a maximum speed of 170 miles per hour and a flight endurance of 36 hours. It can carry up to 3,600 pounds, four Hellfire missiles, and operate up to an altitude of 29,000′.
Project Details
The primary building for the Unmanned Aerial Systems complex is a 51,757 square foot, two-story, hangar and operations facility. The aircraft hangar portion of the facility is 26,730 SF, and will accommodate four fully assembled MQ-1C Gray Eagle aircraft. The remainder of the facility contains spaces for operations, training, storage and supply, tool and parts storage, and allied maintenance workshops. Additionally, the complex will include an organizational storage building, aircraft container storage shed, a HAZMAT storage building, and airfield paving. Approximately 20′ of structural fill was necessary to first raise the grade of the site to the design finished subgrade.
This project is registered with the U.S. Green Building Council with a goal of achieving LEED® Silver certification upon construction completion.
CLIENTUS Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District
Contract Value$26.1M
DESIGNUS Army Corps of Engineers, Omaha District
SIZE52,000 square feet